Looking for the process to add QuickBooks firewall ports manually? Well, we have a solution for you. You can go through this article carefully and perform the steps listed in here. A firewall is an essential application which keeps the system safe from virus or malware attacks. At times, the firewall blocks certain QuickBooks company files to access the internet. You simply will have to configure QuickBooks firewall ports or update the firewall to the latest version.
To know more, read this article carefully, or contact our team professionals at our customer support number i.e. 1-800-761-1787. We are a team of technically sound accounting professionals, who work round the clock to provide the best possible support services instantly.
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Steps to Add and configure QuickBooks firewall ports manually in Windows
In order to configure and add the QuickBooks firewall manually, you can perform the below steps. In case you use multiple versions of QuickBooks desktop on the same system, then perform the steps for each version:
- The very first step is to open the Windows start menu.
- And then, enter Windows firewall into the search and open the Windows firewall.
- The next step is to select Advanced settings.
- And also, right click the Inbound rules. Later on, you would have to create outbound rules. The user is suggested to select New rule.
- Now, choose the Port and also hit the Next tab.
- Moving ahead, ensure that the TCP is selected.
- Enter the specific ports needed for your QuickBooks version in the specific local ports:
- QuickBooks desktop 2024: 8019, XXXXX
- QuickBooks desktop 2023: 8019, XXXXX
- QuickBooks desktop 2022: 8019, XXXXX
- QuickBooks Desktop 2021: 8019, XXXXX
- QuickBooks desktop 2018: 8019, 56728, 55378-55382
- QuickBooks desktop 2017: 8019, 56727, 55373-55377
It should be noted that the user is supposed to keep a note that QuickBooks desktop 2020, 2019, and the versions to be introduced make use of dynamic ports. The dynamic ports are specific firewall ports assigned at the time of installation. Using this, it is ensured that the QuickBooks desktop gets exclusive use of the given port. For QuickBooks desktop 2019 and the later versions, the port format is as follows: 8019, XXXXX. In this XXXXX is the dynamic port number.
- To get the dynamic port number, perform the below steps:
- The very first step is to open the Windows start tab.
- And type in QuickBooks database server manager into the search box and open the same.
- Visit the Port monitor tab.
- Look for the QuickBooks version.
- Take a note of the port number which will be used for the firewall port exception.
- Also, enter the Port number and select Next.
- The next step is to select Allow the connection and choose Next.
- In case asked to, make sure all profiles are marked. And select Next.
- Create a rule, and give it a name like QBPorts.
- Once done, choose Finish tab.
Perform the same steps for outbound rules. And follow the same steps, and expect select outbound rules.
Steps for creating the windows firewall exceptions for QuickBooks programs
- To start with open the Windows start menu
- And then, enter Windows firewall into the search and open Windows firewall.
- Choose Advanced settings.
- Right click the Inbound rules. And select New rule.
- Choose the Program and hit Next.
- Select this program path and then go for the Browse tab.
- Find and select one of the Executable files on the chart above. Also, choose Next.
- Pick the Allow the connection option and hit Next tab.
- If asked to, make sure all profiles are marked and select Next opt.
- After that assign a unique name and select Finish tab.
- The last step is to create a rule, and assign it a name like QBFirewallException.
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Is it possible for configuring third party antivirus/firewall programs?
It should be noted that you would have to perform the solution if the QuickBooks firewall configuration is unable to rectify the issue.
- Intuit is unable to provide configuration steps due to numerous antivirus/firewall programs are present nowadays. It is suggested to refer to the software documentation or the website.
- In case you are still facing such an error while opening the file over a network, then try adding the directories to the third party antivirus program given below:
Executable files | Location |
AutoBackupExe.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
Dbmlsync.exe | C:\program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
DBManagerExe.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
FileManagement.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
FileMovementExe.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
QuickBooksMessaging.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
QuickBooksMessageing.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
QBW32.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
QBDMgrN.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
QBGDSPlugin.exe | C:\Program Files\Intuit\YOUR QUICKBOOKS YEAR |
QBSeverUtilityMgr.exe | C:\Program Files\Common files\Intuit\QUICKBOOKS |
QBCFMoniterService.exe | C:\Program Files\Common files\Intuit\QUICKBOOKS |
QBLaunch.exe | C:\Program Files\Common files\Intuit\QUICKBOOKS |
QBUpdate.exe | C:\Program Files\Common files\Intuit\QUICKBOOKS\QBUpdate |
IntuitSyncManager.exe | C:\Program Files\Common files\Intuit\Sync |
OnlineBackup.exe | C:\Program Files\QuickBooks Online Backup |
Summing Up!
With this we come to the end of this article, where we hope that the information shared in above might be of some help in adding QuickBooks desktop firewall ports manually. However, if you are still doubtful or if you need any sort of assistance, reach out to our QuickBooks desktop support team professionals at 1-800-761-1787, and we will provide you with immediate technical assistance.
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