Just when you start working on your QuickBooks software smoothly, an unwanted error might show up hindering the smooth process. QuickBooks error code WLT1003 is one such error that you can come across. This tends to be a unique error that might not see quite often. You can end up in such an error when the Windows operating system tries to include a credit card for a particular customer. As a result of this error, you might be blocked from the score cards for 12 hours and in common scenarios, you might require to wait for 12 hours and then again try to add the customer credit card. You can experience this error with a warning sign i.e.,

“errors”: [
“code”: “WLT1003”,
“type”: “RiskServiceException”,
“message”: “Risk Decision is DECLINED”,
“moreInfo”: “Risk Decision is DECLINED”,
“infoLink”: “https:\/\/developer.intuit.com\/v2\/docs?redirectID=PayErrors”

Well, the error WLT1003 might seem to be quite complicated, understanding this, we have curated this piece of writing sharing the complete information as to how you can get rid of this error permanently and what factors can actually drag you into such an error.

What Leads to the WLT1003 Error in QuickBooks?

There isn’t a huge list of factors causing this error. However, a bunch of factors can trigger the same. Let us explore the common ones:

  • One of the basic causes can be if the antivirus or the firewall of the system is blocking the connection, then ending up in this not so common error is possible
  • Not just that, but in case if there isn’t a stable internet connection, then coming across such an error is also possible.
  • You can further end up in the QuickBooks WLT1003 error if the bank’s website is facing some serious backend maintenance.

How to identify QuickBooks Error code WLT1003?

Spotting the issue becomes easy once you have a grip on to the signs and symptoms of QuickBooks error code WLT1003. Here are a few signs of this error that can help you identify the issue quickly.

  • Your system or the program either freezes or crashes all of a sudden, especially when you try to connect QuickBooks to the server.
  • You can further identify the error in case you are unsuccessful in saving the credit card values in the particular wallet system.
  • In case there is a sudden restart, especially when trying to connect QuickBooks software to the server, then such an error can be seen.

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Methods to Fix Risk decision is declined error WLT1003 in QuickBooks

Now that you have understood the causes behind the QuickBooks WLT1003 error, it is time to perform the right steps to fix the issue. Let us evaluate each of the methods to fix the QuickBooks error WLT1003.

Fix 1: Clear the system cache

If there are any sort of cache memory, then it can cause such an error. The only solution here is to clear the system cache with the help of the steps below:

  • Start by, clicking on the Windows tab.
  • Now, go for the settings option is the Next step.
  • Once done with that click on Enter tab.
  • Also, go for the System tab.
  • Head to the Storage tab and click on option Free up space now.
Clean the system junk files - Screenshot
  • Select the files you wish to delete and further click on the Remove files tab.

Fix 2: Review the internet connection

A wobbly internet connection can further cause QuickBooks error WLT1003. Here are the steps to review the internet connection successfully.

  • At first, you need to review the internet connection.
  • You can further talk to the IT person for a stable internet connection.
Use my computer's Internet connection settings - Image

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Fix 3: Update QuickBooks Desktop

Using an outdated QuickBooks can lead to a bunch of errors, one such error can be QuickBooks error WLT1003. Updating the software to the latest release can resolve a bunch of errors. Here are a solution steps that can help you update the software:

  • Start by running the QuickBooks as admin.
  • Now, right click the icon for QuickBooks.
  • Head to the option to Run as admin.
  • Followed by pressing the Help menu.
  • Also, choose the update QuickBooks desktop.
Update Now Option When Updating QuickBooks - Image
  • And then, click on the Update now tab.
  • Further, you need to checkmark the option Reset updates.
  • Lastly, you need to click on Get updates and wait for the process to complete.

Fix 4: Re-enable bank feeds

At times, re-enabling the bank feeds can also fix this type of error. The steps to be followed here are:

  • Move to the option for Lists.
  • Furthermore, click on the option Chart of accounts.
Chart of accounts option - Screenshot
  • The next step is to right-click the account and click on Deactivate option.
  • Also, go for the Edit account.
  • You now have to proceed to the Bank feeds settings.
  • And then, click on the option Deactivate all online services.
Deactivate all online services - Image
  • Press Save and Close tab.
  • Last step here is to click on the OK tab.

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Fix 5: Deactivating the Antivirus Temporarily

Your antivirus software might be creating trouble for you. If that is the case, then simply deactivate the antivirus temporarily. The steps to be performed here are:

  • The very first step is to right click the icon for Antivirus.
  • Also, go for the Option tab.
  • You need to see the option to Temporary disable the antivirus protection.
Disable the antivirus - Image
  • Furthermore, click on it.
  • Ensure to run QuickBooks.
  • Try re-establishing the link between QuickBooks and the server.


Getting rid of this complicated error becomes way easier with the right steps implemented the right way. Hopefully, the QuickBooks error WLT1003 gets resolved with the steps shared in above. In case you still have certain queries, then give us a call at 1-800-761-1787, and get answers to all your queries immediately. Our technically sound QuickBooks ProAdvisors will ensure that all your queries are addressed immediately and resolved permanently.


More Resources

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